Tuesday 11 August 2015

Scholarship as a conversation

1. Topic: Facebook as a learning tool or distraction.
2. Learning outcomes:
-Students must understand that no problem stands alone
-understand that they can also take part in the conversation, they belong to the disciplinary community and their views also count.
-Understand information as a commodity.

3. 1. Activity: Find two articles that are:
  • for Facebook as a learning tool and 
  • against Facebook as a learning tool, that is where Facebook is seen as a distraction
    Divide yourselves into two groups  one group must support the Facebook as a learning and the other group must argue that Facebook is a distraction. The information from the journal articles must be used to support the arguments of both groups, power point presentation in class.
3.2 Comment on three professional blogs where Facebook is used as a learning tool.
2.3 Use the APA style to cite all the sources that you have consulted for the exercise.

4. 1. Students will learn that there has been a debate about Facebook
2. Be able to participate in the discussion
3. Be able to acknowledge information sources 


  1. Hi Thembela

    I wish, i wish i can comment on your blog but, i cant see a word.background is too dark.

  2. Hi Thembela

    I am finally able to access your blog. I will comment as soon as I can.

  3. Hi Thembela
    Please attempt to do the exercises on the other frames! I is very crucial that complete it as the due dates for your main assessments are approaching soon.

  4. I like your activities for this frame Thembela. The last activity however, relates to Information has Value, a frame that we should still discuss in class.
